January 15, 2019

Trump's ties to the Russians goes back to the 1980s

1 comment:

Tom Puckett said...

Maybe, but what is a "tie" in these cases? Nice yellow sensational headline, if less than completely informative!

My "ties" to Russia go back to my Mom's Grandfather!

He set part of the course of my life by carrying me around my Grandmother's house singing snatches of the opera Carmen to me when I was an imfink...

I'd love to spend a summer in St. Petersburg hitting the Mariinsky Theater's opera and ballet offerings!

I own the first and last Rimsky-Korsakov operas, The Tzar's Bride and Le Coq d'Or, respectively. I guess Valeri Gergiev got a few royalty rubles out of those purchases...

Sakdo is also a great opera... give yourself three hours to watch it with subtitles here:

Cheers, Tom