January 25, 2019

Could a general strike end shutdown?

Popular Mechanics -There's been little reason to believe the stalemate between President Trump and Democratic members of Congress—stemming from a prospective $5 billion wall on the southern border with Mexico—will end, but a solution that could potentially bring the impasse to a halt was recently suggested by Association of Flight Attendants President Sara Nelson: a general strike.

Nelson suggested the collective power of furloughed workers and their allies could potentially signal the end of the longest government shutdown in the country's history:

"Almost a million workers are locked out or being forced to work without pay. Others are going to work when our workspace is increasingly unsafe. What is the Labor Movement waiting for?

Though the AFA does not represent employees impacted by the federal government's shutdown, Nelson advocated the cause for a general strike as a matter of solidarity, citing the 800,000 caught in the crosshairs as the deadlock continues in Washington.

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