January 8, 2019

Can DC shut off White Hoise water for unpaid bills?

DCist  - The federal government owns a lot of sinks, faucets and toilets in the District of Columbia, where 195,000 government employees wash their hands, fill up their water bottles and flush their waste on a daily basis.

The government is the largest water customer in the city, and because of the ongoing federal shutdown, its water bill is past due. The large unpaid bill left DC Water officials wondering what their options are, and whether turning off water to the White House is among them.

“We received an email Wednesday, January 2, from an individual at the bureau of fiscal services at the treasury,” said Matthew Brown, chief financial officer at DC Water, speaking during the water authority’s first board meeting of the year. He went on to read from the email: the federal government would not be paying $5 million of its $16.5 million quarterly water bill.


Anonymous said...

It would be poetic justice if the White House had it's water shut off until the bill was paid in full, or the shutdown ends.

Greg Gerritt said...

Shut them off.