December 31, 2018

Urban facts

New analysis says 84% of people live in cities

Fastest growing large cities

Majority of world now lives in cities

42% of major cities have more renters than homeowners

Average number of hours that a driver in Los Angeles spends sitting in traffic each year : 104

Chicago was the only city among the nation's 20 largest to lose population in 2016

Since 2000, the District of Columbia has added a net of 44,000 households of adults under 35 with no kids (millennials), 27,000 households with adults over 55 and no kidsand just 3,000 households with children

In December, a devastating survey of 32 big cities prepared by the United States Conference of Mayors showed Washington with the highest rate of homelessness. There are 124 homeless people for every 10,000 residents here, more than twice the national average. Nationally, homelessness has shrunk 12.9 percent over the last seven years.

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