December 18, 2018

NY governor switches to pro-mariuana lagalization

Hit & Run - New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo unambiguously endorsed marijuana legalization, culminating a rapid evolution of his views on the subject. "We must...end the needless and unjust criminal convictions and the debilitating criminal stigma and...legalize the adult use of recreational marijuana once and for all," Cuomo said in a speech outlining his goals for next year.

As recently as last year, Cuomo was describing marijuana as a "gateway drug" and worrying about what might happen if the state repealed its prohibition. "There's two sides to the argument, but I, as of this date, I am unconvinced on recreational marijuana," he said in February 2017. "If you choose to use marijuana recreationally, you know the law." He added that opponents of legalization say "it's a gateway drug and marijuana leads to other drugs, and there is a lot of proof that is true." This year the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws gave Cuomo a C–, indicating a "hard on drugs" stance.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cuomo has finally noticed how all the legal rec states are raking in the tax dollars.