September 26, 2018


Jerry Brown - “We are sleepwalking in a very dangerous era, when split-second decisions can kill hundreds of millions of people and people don’t seem to give a damn — or even know about it.”

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jerry Brown: Pot calling kettle black!

Tell that to the people who almost died from the flooding when that dam almost let go last year due to you and your buddies funding everything else but infrastructure in California over the last 40 years!

Can't repair roads, can't build any, can't maintain dams but you can sure as heck pay off all your cronies and subsidize the trial lawyers and prison guard lobbies can't you?

AND spend billions on your idiotic train to nowhere! Now they want to pay for all health care for non-citizens from Mexico! Yeah, let's put a big welcome mat out to the world when we can't handle basic services now!

Stupidity, incompetence, and greed = California Democratic Party! If john Cox gets elected governor you're all going to have a meltdown like 11/9/16 and wonder what happened!