September 27, 2018

Just a reminder

Sam Smith - There are more than 800 federal judges, the overwhelming majority of whom have not been accused of sexual assault or over-drinking. The Senate's job is not to convict or acquit Brett Kavanaugh but to confirm the wisdom of or negate the lack thereof in the President'c choice.

1 comment:

Frances Heutte Schaefer said...

Yes indeed. I am hanging on to a slim hope that some Republicans will stop this awful man from being appointed. Even BEFORE the alleged incidents came to light (and I believe they are all true), I despised and had no respect for this man.

The Republicans blocked President Obama from bringing up his candidate for Scalia's seat, which was his right to do. They stole the power that the President has to do this. I was not thrilled with Mr. Obama's choice but surely he would have been better than Mr. Kavanaugh. These are nauseating times.