NPR - Nearly 2 in 5 American voters do not believe elections are fair, according to a new NPR/Marist poll. Nearly half of respondents lacked faith that votes would be counted accurately in the upcoming midterm elections.
Race, gender and partisan identity are all a factor for those who question the cornerstone of the democratic system. Nonwhite voters, women and Democrats all report substantially greater doubts about the fairness of elections compared to Republicans, 91 percent of whom believe elections are fair.
Of course republicans think the system fair, they have rigged it in their favor.
That's incredibly sad, and 'sad' isn't even the right word. It reflects just how ill/un-informed our population is. //thanks, MSM.....
If you begin to think of Elections as merely a quasi-rating system in the quest for power between various Gangs, each of which consist of various factions with ideological beliefs but little knowledge, then maybe elections could be looked as about as 'fair' as anything else.
The people who are required to vote for gang members are largely very busy in their own lives, and have very little time to learn about all the various local, State, National, and international issues. Issues that are Social, Racial, Economic, Religious, and Gang (“political”) related.
OK now, these Gang members give lip service to issues that affect their 'homies' (sp?). They speak in short, simple sentences which allow for wonderful 'sound-bites' that can be memorized and repeated by their myopic followers. Some talk about 'pro-life', and some about 'pro-choice'. Some talk about 'free-trade', and some about 'fair-trade'. Gang leaders in power change voting districts to benefit their Gang. International 'incidents' are started to benefit the economy, or take the 'spotlight' off some possibly embarrassing issue. Also, there are people interested in 'Muslims' (but maybe anybody wearing a turban, or head-scarf could be in question I suppose; Catholic nuns are lucky they stopped wearing their headgear). A wise but questionable soundbite might be “If the King James version of the Bible was good enough for Jesus, its good enough for me”. But what about 'race' and 'gender' issues? Also, there is the forgotten 'derivatives' issue of years-gone-by. Now there is gambling, and drugs that benefit gangs through taxation – OK, what the heck, lets make them 'legal'. Also, now we have Government seemingly 'in-bed' with Corporations, or at least 'in their pockets' - this, after fighting a war against Fascism.
Anyhow, it seems that particular sound-bites get distributed to their own particular groups of 'single-minded' followers. Money from Corporations, Organizations, and Individuals get funneled to those individuals with the nicest haircut / hairdo, and the most winning smile – et voila, a new gang-leader is born / re-elected.
Hmmm... Fair, or Unfair, you'd think we could do all of this just a little bit cheaper.
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