CNN - Darla Shine, the wife of new White House deputy chief of staff for communications Bill Shine, hosted a radio show in the late 2000s where she once mocked victims of sexual harassment in the military and repeatedly pushed fringe conspiracy theories about vaccines. CNN's KFile reviewed hours of audio from Darla Shine's radio program after her controversial views came to light. Shine, who long maintained a blog called "Happy Housewives Club" where she featured recipes and tips for cleaning and budgeting and promoted her radio show and book, has faced scrutiny in recent days after Mediaite and Huffington Post reported she had made racially charged comments and spread baseless anti-vaccination conspiracy theories on her now-deleted Twitter account.
Shine pushed her controversial views to a much wider audience and in much more depth on the "Darla Shine Show," a radio broadcast she hosted on the Talk Radio Network in 2008 and 2009 that boasted syndication on 100 radio stations nationwide. Speaking in August 2009, Shine declared herself a "sexist" and said women serving with men in the military should expect to be sexually harassed.
"And why on earth would you fight to go on the submarine ship for months on end? You know there was just a story with these girls, these women who are upset that they are sexually harassed in the military," Shine said. "What do you think is going to happen when you go on a submarine for 12 months with 4,000 horny soldiers? "I hate to say it, but it's true. They should not even be allowed. The top military should say, 'No way, you're not allowed.' But you know, the feminists have fought for these rights. It's so stupid. I don't know why anybody would want that."
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