Color of Change - Several tech companies have contracts with Immigration and Customs Enforcement and Customs and Border Protection, the federal law enforcement agencies who are enacting violence on brown and Black people at the border and within the interior of the US.
For example, Microsoft has a $19.4 million dollar contract with ICE. In a January 2018 blog post, Microsoft boasted about how Azure, it's cloud computing services, which can range from hosting a customer’s data to facial recognition, was making the agency more efficient. According to Microsoft's own communications, their product is "mission-critical" to ICE's operations.
.... Microsoft, Salesforce, Thomson Reuters, Hewlett Packard, Motorola, and Dell are all complicit in and profiting from a mass incarceration and deportation scheme hatched by a white supremacist presidential administration.
... Hewlett Packard Enterprise: $75 million contract with CBP to manage its network operations center. The company also is in the middle of completing a $39 million contract with ICE, among other, smaller bids.
... Dell: $22 million in active contracts with ICE. Most of the contracts are software licenses. The company also provides support for Microsoft products used by the agency.
Each company has a moral responsibility to refuse to uphold contracts that lead to the violation of human rights or at the very least not to turn a profit from a client actively traumatizing children and families.
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