June 29, 2018

Massachusetts raises minimum wage to $15


Anonymous said...

While a $15 dollar an hour wage is a step in the right direction, a $15 minimum wage is what was needed about 7 years ago. With current rising costs, it's too little, coming way too late. What will $15 an hour actually mean in 2023 dollars, not enough to rent an apartment in most major cities, especially in Massachusettes.

Anonymous said...

1865: 'Instead of the conservative motto, A fair day's wage for a fair day's work, we must inscribe on our banner the revolutionary watchword, Abolition of the wage system' (Marx, Value, Price, and Profit).
1928: 'Earning a wage is a prison occupation' (Wages, DH Lawrence).
1965: Workers still 'don't realise that they can abolish the wages system' (Socialist Standard).
2018:$15/hour by 2023?

Anonymous said...

Indeed. My SS OAP is equal to min wage, about $10/hour gross ($20K p.a., less after the de-facto-madatory Medicare premium) I can't even rent a 1BR place in Biddeford Maine, never mind Boston!