February 6, 2018

Trump: Dictator in waiting

Sam Smith - While he's not there yet, Trump thoroughly blew his cover by claiming that the failure of Democrats to applaud some of his State of the Union address fairly could be described as treason. To assume that disrespect for oneself is treason  - thus equating Trump with the county -  is to favor a collusion that only exists in dictatorships. It is now clearly fair to argue that Trump is seeking to overthrow American constitutional government with a dictatorship headed by himself.


Catherine Del Masso said...

Trump is not the first authoritarian to require applause.

Solzhenitsyn wrote this about Stalin:

"who would dare to be the first to stop? ...after eleven minutes, the director of the paper factory assumed a businesslike expression and sat down in his seat....That, however, was how they discovered who the independent people were. And that was how they went about eliminating them. That same night the factory director was arrested."


Anonymous said...

Fascist or communist or some other "is", no matter, far left verses far right the masses in the center numb with shock. Common history of the modern republic is of third world chaos. The common repitition is economic failure due to elite greed and incompetence. Once the broke republic can't borrow money anymore then the rise single political party ran dictatorships. Fascist or communist either way miserible, third world chaos, wars, revolutions and civil wars.

Modern tech is not going to allow a simple repeat of this kind of history. Sociopaths left or right cant stand open internet. This will push history into a new direction if civilization can survive.

In short into the future sociopaths will have a very hard time in their operations, notice todays news????

Anonymous said...

Once again the west won the cold war, right? What happened?

The "perfect" system won, but the political force of the cold war evaperated. The western republics are settling back into their natural condition...

Internet and cell phones are a partial replacement of the political force of the cold war...

The west is first world by borrowing money, once that ends it will be very ugly....