January 23, 2018

The downside of longer life expectancy

Guardian, UK - The number of older people [in Britain] who have at least four different medical conditions is set to double by 2035, in a trend that will put huge extra strain on the NHS, researchers warn.

Diseases such as cancer, diabetes, dementia and depression will become far more common as more and more over-65s develop them in their later years, a study at Newcastle University published on Tuesday found. Health fears over boys as young as 13 using steroids for 'good looks' Read more

One in three of those diagnosed with four long-term conditions will have dementia, depression or some form of cognitive impairment, according to academics in the university’s Institute for Ageing.

They predict that over the next 20 years there will be “a massive expansion in the number of people suffering from multiple diseases, known as multi-morbidity”.

Those years will see a 179.4% increase in the number of people of pension age being diagnosed with cancer, a 118% rise in those who have diabetes and a big jump, too, in cases of arthritis.


Anonymous said...

When I get told "this will add years to your life" my reply is, "Can I have those years before I turn 65, please."

Anonymous said...

Selling a lot of pills. Know that about every driver on the road is hopped up on meds...... Eat and drink the good tasting food and beverages, party, party,,, sorta of like fat Romans....
