January 7, 2018

How Trump is blocking probe of sexual harassment in the federal government

Project on Government Oversight - Sexual harassment in the workplace ... has garnered high-profile news coverage in recent months. While much of the coverage has focused on Congress, executive branch agencies have generally drawn less scrutiny.

A government-wide study that could shed light on sexual harassment at federal agencies won’t see the light of day anytime soon because President Trump has yet to appoint a nominee to run the little-known office conducting the study. Without at least one more member, the three-person Merit Systems Protection Board lacks a quorum and thus cannot issue the sexual harassment study or reports on other topics of substantial interest, such as whistleblower reprisal...

MSPB’s Research Agenda 2015-2018 identified 34 topics planned for study, including an update to the 1995 Sexual Harassment in the Federal Workplace report. The report found that almost half of the women and 20 percent of the men in the federal workforce had received unwanted sexual attention in the preceding two years.


Nebris said...

no URL in that hyperlink

Sam Smith said...

Thanks. . Corrected