January 10, 2018

Help the editor

Sam Smith - Below is a comment to an article in which we replaced the words dyke and fag as shown below. The writer - who identifies herself as a dyke - thinks  this was wrong.  Would be interested in other gay and lesbian reactions. We looked up the use of the words and found that lesbians did indeed use dyke but no evidence that gays used the word fag in the same way. We were not sure the writer was a lesbian.
Anonymous said...
Full Employment for Lesbigay Lawyers, apparently. Mississippi, like Alabama and, except during Huey's time, Louisiana, has always been a state that is all but canonically awful. Most [lesbians and gays] in the past just pulled up stakes and left such places, on foot if need be.
Anonymous said...
Sam, I wrote that comment you bowlderised, and am a dyke. The terms you suppressed are used routinely by people who so self-describe, as a way to take the curse off. Cf. "n*gg*r".

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Okay, Sam, I'm your age, and I'm a dyke not a gay man nor am I in community with any gay men, so my knowledge of what's okay among gay men might have expired. In which case I offer my gay brothers my sincere, very embarrassed apologies for not keeping up.

But, Sam, see this exposition.