January 8, 2018

Even the GOP is changing by age

Pew Trust

Republicans younger than 40 favor legalizing marijuana use, 62% to 38%

Republicans ages 40 to 64 are divided (48% say it should be legal, 49% illegal)

Republicans 65 and older oppose marijuana legalization by more than two-to-one (67% to 30%)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I find this interesting, because of how many older people I see when I go to the dispensary in my full legal state. It's so cute to see seniors coming into the dispensary for the first time, asking all sorts of questions of the budtenders, like what is good for my pain, or what might help me get to sleep. They often feel better when they see middle aged me, and know that it isn't only "kid stuff" in the dispensary.