December 23, 2017

On the nature of creepiness

Improbable Research

“Surprisingly, until now there has never been an empirical study of ‘creepiness’ “
This situation was rectified by Professor Francis T. McAndrew  and Sara S. Koehnke of the Department of Psychology, Knox College, Galesburg, US, in a 2016 paper for the journal New Ideas in Psychology. The team stopped short of giving an exact definition of ‘creepiness’ – nevertheless, they were able to generate a list of the perceived ‘creepiness’ ratings for various professions:


See: ‘On the nature of creepiness’ New Ideas in Psychology 43 (2016) 10 -15
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1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ancient politicians are creepy in the extreme.

How did they overlook these characters?

Why not a maximum age limit for federal, state and local politicians and judges?

Sixty years old to run, mandatory retirement at age 65 (or term's end).

Let's banish fossilized thinking and senility from government.