October 15, 2017

Hurricane Donald damage report

An interesting question is what has caused more damage: natural hurricanes or Hurricane Donald. To help calculate, here are some facts on the latter storm

Trump shuts down halfway houses

Trump budget would cut $2.5 trillion from programs for low and moderate income Americans

66 federal programs that Trump wants to kill

Millions of children could be hurt by Trump's plans

Trump administration arrests of noncriminal immigrants up 150 percent

Trump wants to starve millions of poor Americans

Trump's latest victims: hibernating bears

Trump's Florida vacations may force Palm Beach to raise its taxes

Alternative sex

Trump used anniversary of military desegregation to ban transgender persons in military


Trump's arts defunding would hurt communities

The Trump war against the arts

Civil liberties

Trump wants Christian extremist Sharia law

Civil rights

Trump's quiet war against civil rights

Climate change

Trump regime demotes climate scientist who spoke out

Trump undoes climate change rules

Trump thinks dealing with climate change is "a waste of your money"

Trump to emasculate NASA climate change research

Civil rights

Trump regime slashes civil rights enforcement


Trump has already hurt lower income homeowners


Education programs Trump wants to eliminate


48 environmental rules the White House is working to undo

Pruitt wrecking EPA

List of Trump's anti-environmental actions

27 national monuments that could be dismissed by Trump

Trump freezes all EPA grants


Trump may send your cable and internet bills soaring

Food stamps

How Trump plans to hurt the food stamp program


Trump finds new way to kill people helped by Obamacare

How Trump is damaging Obamacare

Trump's proposed mass health manslaughter more deadly to Americans than Vietnam war

Trump plans to damage American healthcare even if Obamacare survives

Trump regime using Obamacare funds to attack Obamacare


Trump slashes housing support for millions. . . but not for himself

Trump makes it harder for low income home owners & first time buyers


Trump regime killing tourism


The anti-labor plans of Trump and allies


Trump's Mexico wall will cost about $115 per American taxpayer

Trump's wall will cost billions


Trump wants to cut off heating aid to the poor

Trump's latest victims: low income Americans who need legal aid


How Trump's budget would hurt older Americans

He wants to cut your Social Security


Trump wants to kill train service for 140 million Americans

Trump wants to privatize highways and charge more tolls


Trump limits women's access to birth control

Trump ready to restrict women's right to abortions

Trump regime slashes $210 million from teen pregnancy prevention programs


DeVos acts to protect colleges from students defrauded by them

1 comment:

greg gerritt said...

We do not need any more information to know presinnet Toxic Dump is a criminal narcissitic psychotic asshole