Washington Post - For the first time in nearly 50 years of Gallup polling on the question, a majority of American Republicans say they support marijuana legalization.
Fifty-one percent of Republicans surveyed by Gallup this month said they support legalization, up sharply from 42 percent a year ago. Even larger majorities of independents (67 percent) and Democrats (72 percent) are in favor of legal marijuana.
Overall, 64 percent of Americans now support legalization, the highest percentage ever in Gallup polling.
Then it's time to give Sessions the boot. The new war on Cannabis he's trying to start, is DOA, and should be sent to the dust bin of history, and Sessions along with it.
In the homeland of the empire, the use of drugs and alcohol is stronger than religion. This reverses the anti-saloon protestant WCTU feminism that built the middle class. Avoiding reality is an aspect of political control from the heroin of the 50's to the LSD of the 60's, crack, etc. in a homeland that has eliminated the feminist middle class that had retained the fiction that Father Knows Best but within a feminized household. Essential to pacification of the only population in the world that could threaten the empire, as it did in the 60's. The empire weaponizes drugs, imposing them on the most dangerous classes specifically the middle class now too burdened with divorce and drug addiction to notice the empire's voracious taxation appetite.
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