September 29, 2017

First independent study of GOP tax plan

Washington Post - The study found that 80 percent of the tax benefits would accrue to those in the top 1 percent. Households making more than about $900,000 a year would see their taxes drop by more than $200,000 on average.

Political Wire - "President Trump could cut his tax bills by more than $1.1 billion, including saving tens of millions of dollars in a single year, under his proposed tax changes,” a New York Times analysis has found. 


Anonymous said...

It would be nice to hear an analysis of prospective tax cuts that gave proper analysis of how they help the entire economy and job creation, as opposed to the typical class warfare demogog view.

Job creation and growth is what we need, not more class warfare.

The Democratic Party has turned its backs on the working middle class and will continue to lose until it supports them instead of the donor class.

Dems are committed to 2% or less growth - and that means pain for the middle and working class, not to mention the poor. The public is catching on to this now - finally. The elites could care less about the rest of the country. Funny how they hate Trump's wall - yet they love the ones they build around their mansions!

Greg Gerritt said...

Anonymous's comments really miss the boat. it is not that folks are commited to 2% growth, it is that it is nearly impossibl,e to get greater than 2% growth in the USA, and we would all be better off if instead of chasing growth that will never happen, we startedf to work on maximizing prosperity for everyone in a low growth environment. Growth much above 2% will only happen jsut before a bubble is about to burst.