Daily Beast - Attorney General Jeff Sessions wants to continue to hinder what limited scientific research can be conducted in America into marijuana’s effects. According to The Washington Post, quoting one senior Drug Enforcement Agency official, Sessions’ Department of Justice “has effectively shut down” an Obama administration initiative to expand the number of suppliers of marijuana for scientific research.
“The standoff is the latest example of the nation’s premier narcotics enforcement agency finding itself in disagreement with the new administration,” the Post reports, noting that “The DEA is no shrinking violet when it comes to marijuana enforcement.”
It might surprise you to learn that, as far as the federal government is concerned, cocaine is less dangerous than marijuana. Cocaine is a Schedule II drug under the Controlled Substances Act, meaning the government recognizes both a high potential for abuse and legitimate medical uses, while marijuana is Schedule I, meaning it has no recognized legitimate medical uses—just a potential for abuse.
Sessions is a blind fool
More of a prick than a fool... he is part of the crowd violating our basic RELIGIOUS RIGHTS for a cut in the handsome profits to be had from the black market sale of the oldest plant to have been domesticated by humanity. He and his ilk deserve to HANG!!
Sessions should go back to watching "Reefer Madness" films and leave the AG's office to adults.
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