May 29, 2017

Homeland Security (sic) wants you to unpack your carry-on bags

The Hill - [Homeland Security chief John ]Kelly indicated that he was likely to approve heightened screening measures for carry-on items, which would require passengers to unpack their carry-on bags and sort the items into separate bins. The Transportation Security Administration is currently testing the screening measure.

Kelly said that airline passengers' tendencies to overpack their carry-on bags to avoid checked-bag fees has made it increasingly difficult for TSA agents to screen the items. "The more you stuff in there, the less the TSA professionals that are looking at what's in those bags through the monitors, they can't tell what's in the bags anymore," he said.


Anonymous said...

If all passengers were required to fly naked and not carry luggage, aircraft terrorism would decline by 13%.

Geoffrey Levens said...

You must use decimal places for accuracy. The real amount of the decline would be 13.028%. See isn't that better?

Anonymous said...

I'll certainly sleep better tonight knowing that, Geoffrey.
Thank you

Geoffrey Levens said...

I always find properly confabulated statistics combined with a full body scan to be quite soporific. ;)