March 1, 2017

Trump signs bill making it okay for mentally ill to buy guns


Anonymous said...

From the tone of your headline, Sam, one would never guess that the ACLU supported this bill because it restores the due process rights of people with mental disabilities.

Anonymous said...

this wasn't about mental illness, there were already checks in place to restrict mentally ill from owning guns

Walter Wouk said...

The Bill required SSA to report anyone who needed a representative payee to handle their funds. In most cases the need for a representative payee doesn't correlate with a dangerous mental condition. For example, a dyslexic individual might need a representative payee. So the law was flawed.

Anonymous said...

In states like Missouri they always could buy guns, anyway. They just had to go to practically any swapmeet in some supermaket parking lot and take their pick of most everything from BB guns to Ak-47's and STEN guns. The only legal documentation required in the state for the sale would be some form of receipt passed between those making the transaction. State's Rights baby, and Missouri has been right on the cutting edge, from Dred Scott right up to the present day.
Go ahead, Sam, lecture us about the fanaticism of reasonable gun control advocacy but then, and apparently only now, rise to a point of objection because it's somehow associated with Trump. The bull shit blatant partisanship you've displayed of late erodes your credibility.

laughing said...

Speaking of mentally ill, I notice prorev is not on propornot's list and that Sam keeps spewing that crap about Trump sleeping with the Rooskies. Oh viper thou hast revealed thyself.