Think Progress - A deputy assistant to President Donald Trump has spent years working closely with members of Hungary’s anti-Semitic hard right, according to a Friday report from The Forward, a publication for American Jews. The report says Sebastian Gorka, who advises the White House on national security, co-founded a political party with former members of Jobbik, which is frequently described as a fascist party. Gorka, who once said it would be “national suicide” to admit Muslim refugees, also spent time working for the Hungarian National Committee, a Jobbik-linked coalition led in part by the head of the ultra-nationalist 64 Counties Youth Movement, according to The Forward.
But what isn't "anti-semitic", according to rightwing Jews?
"Cum grano salis" is no longer sufficient.
Perhaps Sam is unaware of Obama and Nuland's installation of the fascist regime in Ukraine.
Linh Dinh has a really different take on Orban, See
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