Huffington Post - In recent years, American teens have earned less than stellar scores on a national exam administered by the U.S. Department of Education. On the National Assessment of Educational Progress ― also called the Nation’s Report Card ― only about 34 percent of eighth-grade students scored high enough to be deemed proficient in reading in 2015. Only about 33 percent scored proficient or above in math.
A new analysis from the Center for American Progress argues for one simple step to help raise these scores: Start school later in the day.
Delaying start times by an hour across the country could boost students’ math scores up to eight points on the Nation’s Report Card, the analysis says. That’s almost one grade level of learning. The idea is that giving sleep-deprived teens more time to snooze before they hit the books will help them learn better.
I would go farther even... No one should be forced to violate his natural biological rhythms... living by one's bodily clock instead of a mechanical clock should be among human rights worldwide... That is where sickness begins...
Freedom from violation of one's natural biorhythms should be part of the plan. To my mind, that is where all sickness begins... One hour more in the morning will not necessarily take care of the problem... Our communications technology should be able to provide for this... School is a good thing, as long as it respect individual differences of all sorts, including when one attends and when one may be out travelling in his dreams...
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