Reason - The latest evidence from ABC News/Washington Post poll numbers [indicates] that, based on survey results during election years, Trump is the most unpopular presidential candidate in the poll's 32-year history, unless you include former Ku Klux Klan leader (and current Trump supporter) David Duke, who got just 119,000 votes in the 1992 Republican primaries.
According to the survey, 67 percent of Americans have an unfavorable view of Trump, just two points shy of Duke's record 69 percent in 1992. The corresponding number for Ted Cruz was 53 percent—still nothing to brag about but only slightly worse than Hillary Clinton's 52 percent in a survey conducted last month. Given the margin of error, Cruz and Hillary are equally unpopular....
Clinton was disliked by 54 percent of Americans back in April 2008, making her the seventh most unpopular presidential candidate in the poll's history, after Duke, Trump, Pat Buchanan (60 percent in 2000), Ross Perot (58 percent in 1996), Jeb Bush (58 percent this year), and Newt Gingrich (56 percent in 2012). That puts Cruz in eighth place, followed by Mitt Romney (52 percent in 2012).
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