April 22, 2016

79% of latinos don't like Trump

Time - A survey released by America’s Voice and Latino Decisions found that 48% of Hispanic voters said they were more enthusiastic about voting this fall than they were in 2012, while just 31% said they were more inspired in 2012.

Of the voters who are more enthusiastic, 41% said they wanted to vote against Trump and fight back against what they see as anti-immigrant forces. By comparison, just 4% said they were excited to vote for the first Hispanic president, Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, who is battling Trump for the Republican nomination, and 3% said they were motivated to vote against Cruz.

Trump did poorly in other questions on the survey, too, with 79% saying they had a “very unfavorable” view of the real estate mogul, and 78% saying that Trump’s views on immigration made them less likely to vote for a GOP candidate in the general election.

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