Washington Post - Between 1969 and 2013, the death rate for all causes declined 43 percent
from about 1,279 people for each 100,000 individuals in the population
to about 730 per 100,000, according to the study published last week in
JAMA, the journal of the American Medical Association.
Guardian - A sharp rise in death rates among white middle-aged Americans has
claimed nearly as many lives in the past 15 years as the spread of Aids
in the US, researchers have said. The alarming trend, overlooked until now, has hit less-educated 45-
to 54-year-olds the hardest, with no other groups in the US as affected
and no similar declines seen in other rich countries.Though not fully understood, the increased deaths are largely thought
to be a result of more suicides and the misuse of drugs and alcohol,
driven by easier access to powerful prescription painkillers, cheaper
high quality heroin and greater financial stresses.
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