Correcting Social Security misinformation
- Social Security is important to young people. Many
young people benefit from Social Security right now: 1 in 5
beneficiaries is younger than retirement age largely due to disability
or the death of a parent.
- Social Security faces future deficits, but it’s also built a surplus.
Social Security’s costs will grow as the large baby boom generation
moves further into retirement. But it has a large surplus to help pay
those costs. Since the mid-1980s, Social Security has collected more in
taxes and other income each year than it pays out in benefits. It has
amassed combined trust funds
of $2.8 trillion, invested in interest-bearing Treasury securities,
which — along with current tax revenues — will keep the program solvent
through 2034.
- Social Security will exist for young Americans.
Even in the implausible event that policymakers do nothing, Social
Security could still pay three-fourths of scheduled benefits after 2034,
relying on current workers’ contributions to Social Security, according
to the Social Security trustees’ 2015 report. Alarmists who claim that
Social Security won’t be around when today’s young workers retire
either misunderstand or misrepresent the projections.
- Social Security’s long-term gap must be understood in context. Looking at future spending on Social Security and Medicare is instructive only when compared with the size of the future
economy. The long-term gap between Social Security’s projected income
and promised benefits is just under 1 percent of the economy over the
next 75 years, the trustees estimate.
- Future wage growth dwarfs potential payroll tax increases. If Congress restored Social Security’s long-term balance solely by raising payroll tax rates now — without touching the taxable maximum
benefit formula or the cap on taxable earnings — workers and employers
would each pay only 1.31 percentage points more of wages toward Social
Security. If policymakers delayed for another decade or two, that rate
would be higher, but future workers will be more prosperous than
today’s, the trustees project. Under the trustees’ assumptions,
the average worker will be about 40 percent better off — in real terms —
in 2040 than in 2015, and twice as well off by 2070 (see chart). It’s
appropriate to devote a small portion of those gains to Social Security,
while still leaving future workers with much higher take-home pay.
- Seniors have earned their benefits and many don’t have much else to live on. For more than one-third of retirement beneficiaries, Social Security constitutes at least 90 percent of income. Half of people aged 65 to 74 have no retirement savings. Without Social Security, almost half of the elderly would live in poverty.
A mix of tax increases and modest benefit reductions — carefully
crafted to shield the neediest recipients and give ample notice to all
participants — would put Social Security on a sound financial footing
"but future workers will be more prosperous than today’s, the trustees project."
No, they won't. The trustees are morons. That you can have confidence in.
"A mix of tax increases and modest benefit reductions — carefully crafted to shield the neediest recipients and give ample notice to all participants — would put Social Security on a sound financial footing indefinitely"
No way. Technology makes jobs disappear. That's what it's for, all of it.
The simple way to make sure SSDI & SSRI stay solvent is (a) delete the cap, and (b) include all income however obtained--even hit non-work income harder than work income.
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