October 9, 2015

Oddest political claim of the week

History News Network - For over three decades, Carly Fiorina’s bachelor’s degree from Stanford University in medieval history and philosophy has had little real-world application.

But as she mounts a presidential bid, the Republican candidate says her degree is finally of use as she considers how she would deal with ISIS as commander-in-chief.

“Finally my degree in medieval history and philosophy has come in handy,” Fiorina said Sunday night, “because what ISIS wants to do is drive us back to the Middle Ages, literally.”


Unknown said...

Well, regardless of her other negative "attributes", she has a point. Re-establishment of the "universal" Caliphate which included Spain, portions of France, all of North Africa, and all of Central Asia prior to the Mongol "horde" invasions which essentially broke it up is precisely the fantasy dream of ISIS. That's the stuff she studied.

Anonymous said...

Not just ISIS, the financialization of capitalism indicates that industrustrialism was insufficient to escape feudalism. The post-industrial rent- based economy that the US would impose on the world, is a return to feudalism.

Unknown said...

A return to feudalism, Anonymous, without the many benefits feudalism had in general and not just for the Lords, compared with today... At least they had no CERN to worry about and were able to contemplate earthly beauties without too many dissipating distractions such as intelligent phones that turn people into absentees to their surroundings. Adjuncts to technology in a morass of confusing information.

Unknown said...

A return to feudalism, Anonymous, without the many benefits feudalism had in general and not just for the Lords, compared with today... At least they had no CERN to worry about and were able to contemplate earthly beauties without too many dissipating distractions such as intelligent phones that turn people into absentees to their surroundings. Adjuncts to a technology that leaves them floating in a morass of overwhelming, confusing information. Makes you get the willies...