September 11, 2015

The birth of the refugee crisis in the Iraq war

Imran Khan, Al Jazeera - The Iraq war was the war too far - the one that has changed the Middle East.

It was the war that solidified and unified disparate young men from different countries into following the path of violent jihad.

Had the Iraq war not happened, then Saddam Hussein would have been contained as he was.

This dictator was a threat to freedom and to his own people, but was no longer a threat to his neighbours.

The leaders of ISIL and other radical groups would have found death in Afghanistan or prison elsewhere. However, hindsight and "what if" are the words of those that have the luxury of not living in a tent.

The Iraq war did happen.

The refugee crisis is happening.

Now the only questions the world perhaps should be asking is how we can bring about a political solution to the war in Syria and how we bring all sides to the table.

What the refugee crisis has done is force the Western European public to think. Whether they can force their governments to act and bring about a solution is another question.

The architects of the Iraq war still say their actions had nothing to do with the current crisis.

In 2014, Tony Blair wrote an essay on his website and said: "The civil war in Syria with its attendant disintegration is having its predictable and malign effect. Iraq is now in mortal danger. The whole of the Middle East is under threat."

He argued and continues to argue that the invasion of Iraq had nothing to do with the rise of groups like ISIL and wars in both Iraq and Syria.

I wonder how refugees across Europe feel about those words.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Of course, the refugee crisis was started by the invasion of Iraq. Then there were all of these "Arab Springs," which were whole heartedly supported/caused by the European nations, along with the USA.

The blowback is now occurring. Not only is the refugee crisis overrunning Europe, their numbers are diluting the European native populations, which suits the globalist manipulators just fine, eliminating much of the European resistance to the New World Order. It's a shame that we in the US are not feeling the brunt of the refugees: after all, it is our foreign policy-on behalf of Israel- that is most responsible for it. If we want to stop this emergency, we need to stop the wars in Africa and the mid-east ASAP. Research will make it clear that ISIL is controlled by the CIA and the Israeli Mossad.