September 23, 2015

Major media finally promotes a real Christian

Sam Smith - One of the reasons America is in such a mess is because the major media have in recent years helped evangelical extremists redefine Christianity by giving them extraordinary free promotion compared with that allowed the more general faith.

True, these blasphemers, heretics, apostates and pulpit greedsters have thrived in part because traditional Christian leaders have been so weak and quiet. But a media that has come to treat politics as though it was just another reality show has drastically favored coverage of evangelic hustlers over rational leaders of the faith.

Thus is would be easy for a stranger to such matters to believe that the core beliefs of Christianity are opposition to abortion and gay marriage. The other day I asked a friend who had graduated from a university divinity school, whether he learned about anything else while he was there and he responded that abortion and gay marriage were never mentioned.

So the first great service the Pope has provided is to reintroduce some of the traditional principles of Christianity to the mass media, to which it is so novel they are giving it nonstop live coverage. 

Which is nice but it would be even nicer if some of the journalists who have so badly distorted this story would ask for a little confession time with Pope Francis. I'm sure he would forgive them, provided they promised to fall for theological frauds so easily in the future.

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