September 19, 2015

China's comes up with uber credit score

Fast Coexist -  China's proposals for a "social credit system" don't seem that radical when you read the dry, official plan posted by the government last year...China is proposing to assess its citizens' behavior over a totality of commercial and social activities, creating an uber-scoring system. When completed, the model could encompass everything from a person's chat-room comments to their performance at work, while the score could be used to determine eligibility for jobs, mortgages, and social services.


Capt. America said...

Seems like a way to fight corruption. The govt, or "The People", have a right to know where the money that they printed is and where it goes. A right to privacy should not apply to non-trivial financial transactions, but the rest of the snooping is plain evil.

Naveen Kumar said...

Uber’s system is worthless. Have you ever rejected a driver because he is a lowly 4.6? There is no way to tell in a three tenths of point spread who does a great job and who is just a hired craigslist laborer working a shift in a resprayed Toyota.