September 22, 2015

CD sales plummet

BBC - Sales of CDs in the US dropped by 31.5% in the first half of 2015, according to music industry figures. Just 41 million CDs were bought between January and June, down from 56.8 million in the same period last year. But the losses were largely offset by a growth in streaming revenues, which grew 23% to reach $1.03bn .


Anonymous said...

All hard media are under threat. For example, Apple's line of computers, with one exception, no longer include cd/dvd drives with the machines. Apple is heavily invested in cloud storage, it hardly takes a Harvard MBA to appreciate the business dynamics at play in this.
The tread everywhere is one of abandoning the tangible for the virtual.
Libraries are clearing stacks in preference to technology.
Is this really a good thing? One has doubts.
We are losing our sense of permanence.
A printed page can survive thousands of years. Scratchy old 78's can still be heard despite decades of physical abuse. On the other hand, a crashed hard drive can potentially wipe out an entire archive.

Michael Fiorillo said...

What's a CD?