August 20, 2015

Morning Line: Democrats in deep trouble

Sam Smith - The latest Quinnipiac poll of three key states that went Democratic last time with 60 electoral votes illustrates a fact that is not being reported  or recognized: The Democrats are in deep, deep trouble.

When combined with two immediately prior polls, the survey average shows these results:
  • In Florida, Clinton is statistically tied with Bush, Rubio and Trump. Both Biden and Sanders would lose to either Rubio or Bush.
  • In Ohio, Clinton is statistically tied with Bush and Rubio and only 5 points ahead of Trump. Biden would beat Trump but is tied with Bush and Rubio. Sander would lose to Bush and Rubio and is tied with Trump.
  • In Pennsylvania, Clinton is statistically tied with Bush and Rubio and only 5 points ahead of Trump. Biden would beat Trump but is tied with Bush and Rubio. Sander would lose to Bush and Rubio and is tied with Trump.
These are pathetic results in states which went Democratic last time, albeit Ohio and Florida closely.

One big factor: 60% or more of voters in each of these states consider Clinton untrustworthy, about ten points higher than the percent that don't trust Trump. Thus Clinton is less trusted than a widely assumed great con man of America.

This is not an ideological matter, but one of practical politics.  Hillary Clinton is a huge drag on the Democratic Party. Worse, there is apparently no one good enough to turn the tide if she continues to slip.

One can find a number of historical reasons for this crisis including the liberal desertion of populist economic issues, two decades of unhealthy Clinton influence on the party and its direction, and the lack of any exciting reasons to be a Democrat these days. Whether this can be reversed in a little more than a year is dubious, but just plugging along isn't going to work.


Anonymous said...

Just typical third world republic politics, fairly predictable if you understand political economy of before the cold war era, of during the cold war era and now after the cold war era. Generally it will be chaos on all levels for most western republics after the end of the cold war era. What does that mean? just look at all those third world banana republics overseas and the mafia elites who run them to get an understanding...

Anonymous said...

I've always been either a registered socialist, or an independent, but I will be registering democrat for the primary, just to vote for Sanders. Then I will be reregistering back to independent, for socialist isn't an option in my state anymore.

Anonymous said...

Those of course are the three battleground states where every election since 2000 has been fought and won. Thus, very bad news for the Democrats. Which, given the load of bs that a Green like me has taken from the (D)eath Party since 2000 can only make me cheer.

Hillary is proving Mr. Lincoln's old maxim. You can't fool all the people all the time, and her string of bs has finally run out. Her claims of being a 'progressive' have finally run into her track record of doing nothing of the sort through decades of holding power while acting just like Dick Cheney/Condi Rice while SOS. And, even through the fog of TV, the American people are noticing. The fact that she couldn't win the nomination last time against an empty field and that Wall Street was able to beat her with a ringer who faked being a lefty for a few months was an obvious signal that this would occur.

Hmmmm, so, the lobbyists boardrooms will of course be buzzing about who's the next ringer they want to run to fill the vacuum. Expect a new, late entrant to the (D)eath field. Meanwhile, I guess I also need to change my registration to (D)eath for the first time in a decade so I can caucus for Sanders. Heck, lightening hasn't struck me since I registered as a Republican to caucus for Ron Paul, so I guess the Gods can handle me joining the party that brags about being Evil (and lies about it being a 'lessor' Evil).