Just a reminder; Whitewater was important
Because no one went to prison over it, the Clinton's Whitewater real estate hustle is often dismissed by the mainstream press as a nothing story. For example, long time Clinton sycophant Joe Conason recently wrote:
Hillary Hysteria is raging everywhere, from the most disreputable
websites to the most respected newspapers. Candidate Clinton’s polling
numbers are down. Her email server is in the custody of the FBI. Her
comments brushing aside the controversy have only infuriated the
Washington press corps, which has virtually declared war on her.
But why is the political press so agitated? Is this Watergate, a
shattering scandal with profound implications for national security and
the Constitution? Or is it Whitewater, a meaningless squib of a failed
real estate investment, absurdly inflated by the national media and
partisan adversaries?
In fact, in the
late 1970s, the Clintons and their friends, the McDougals, bought land in the Ozarks
with mostly borrowed funds. The Clintons get 50% interest with
no cash down. The plot, known as Whitewater, was fifty miles from
the nearest grocery store. The Washington Post will report later
that some purchasers of lots, many of them retirees, "put
up houses or cabins, others slept in vans or tents, hoping to
be able to live off the land." HRC writes Jim McDougal,
"If Reagonomics works at all, Whitewater could become the
Western Hemisphere's Mecca." More than half of the purchasers
will lose their plots thanks to the sleazy form of financing
used. And the McDougals will be among a
number of close HRC friends and business associates who will
end up in jail.
Just B. effing S., Sam, stop this nonsense.
Whitewater was a ginned up all about nothing, and so is this email deal. Read this and then get back to me. - http://bit.ly/1MMXxTr
Stop helping the right wing smear her with stupid lies. All you're doing is creating the kind of apathy in likely Democratic voters that will keep them from electing a more liberal Congress to help Hillary pass progressive legislation when she's elected.
If you were only shooting yourself in the foot, I wouldn't care. But you're shooting us ALL in the foot. Quit it.
I will donate and vote to elect a Democrat congress, but I would NEVER vote for Mrs. Clinton. Never. She had her chances in the vote for the Iraq invasion and again on the assault on Libya. Sam has documented the Clintons' relentless assault on the term "public service" for more than two decades. Too bad Sen. Warren demurred, but Bernie's just fine for me and the country.
I don't care whether you vote for Hillary or not, Anonymous. I have nothing bad to say about your candidate, why can't you leave mine alone, instead of carrying water for the right-wing haters?
You can say whatever "bad" things you want about any candidate that I support: The notion that Bill and Hillary should be above criticism because the are some sort of lesser evil is preposterous and contrary to any notion of democratic governance.
Hillary is a Goldwater republican if she actually has any political principles at all. There is not a progressive bone in either of the Clintons' disgusting neoliberal-loving bodies.
Caro, HRC is not a progressive. She has never been a progressive, nor will she become one if elected president. I feel really sorry for you, and my sister-in-law, who are so deluded and believe that HRC will suddenly become a friendly feminist progressive once she gets elected. You appear to believe that even though she is getting a vast majority of her money from wealthy backers who will expect favors in return for their money, that HRC will do what's right for regular citizens. Sorry it doesn't work that way.
I'm not carrying water for right wing haters, I'm a lefty, that is deeply concerned that HRC will be every bit as bad as any of the republicans on the field right now. Her record suggests she would be a disaster for the bottom 99% of Americans. Whitewater does matter, because she has been unrepentant about bilking retirees out of their hard earned money in her crooked land deal. Is that what you want for your retirement? To have your money stolen by Clinton? Don't think she wouldn't do it to you too, if she could. The emails matter too. HRC was trying to keep her official emails, which are part of public record by law, a secret. That tells me she is dishonest, corrupt, and thinks herself above the law. I really don't want that sort of President. HRC will only take the US further down the road to ruin. HRC should not be running for office, she should be in prison.
Anybody who would vote for hilclin possess extreme character flaws. It's difficult for a man in this day and age to point out her flaws because we just get branded with the misogynist label.
Criticize her POLICIES all you want to, but questioning her motives and/or her character is only helping the right wing.
I will never dive into the cesspool of hate speech against your candidate.
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