August 7, 2015

Even the Pope is more liberal on abortions than Scott Walker

, Reason - According to polling data, Walker does not have a position that is line with everyday America, at least with regard to the idea that abortion should be illegal in all circumstances, including those cases where it can be used to save the life of a mother. For example, the most recent Gallup Poll reports that only 19 percent of Americans believe that abortion should be illegal in all circumstances.

The governor of Wisconsin's position apparently makes him stricter than the Pope. The Roman Catholic Church permits using abortion as a medical technique to save the life of a mother, e.g., cases of ectopic pregnancy. The New Zealand Catholic pro-life organization summarizes:

The Catholic Church along with most other religions, recognizes the moral principal of what is called the "double effect."

In the case of abortion, this means that any treatment done to save the life of the mother that also results in the death of an unborn child is not truly an abortion, since the death of the child was not the primary intention.

In such a case, even if the death of the child is a foregone conclusion, the death was an indirect effect of the surgical procedure.

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