August 15, 2015

Carly Fiorina on vaccines

Washington Post - Carly Fiorina believes parents should make the choice whether to vaccinate their children."When in doubt, it is always the parents' choice," Fiorina told a rural Iowa audience.

Later that night, she added that, "when you have highly communicable diseases where we have a vaccine that's proven, like measles or mumps, then I think a parent can make that choice." She added, though, that a "school district is well within their rights to say: 'I'm sorry, your child cannot then attend public school.'"

"So a parent has to make that trade-off," she told reporters.


Anonymous said...

What I find amazing is that people who otherwise have a fully working brain, and are cautious about the claims of Big Pharma when it comes to medicine, will blindly believe that vaccinations are entirely beneficial. If you have ever had a death in the family from vaccines, or seen a child go into anaphylactic shock in less than 10 minutes of getting an inoculation, then develop encephalitis from it, you would have a healthy and reasonable doubt of the benefits of vaccines. If you have contracted whooping cough or rubella after being fully vaccinated, it becomes hard to believe in the claims of immunity.

In 1986 the vaccine industry arm twisted congress into removing liability for vaccine injury, from the manufacturers of vaccines. That onus was transferred to the taxpayer, with the creation of the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program (VICP). Why did they do it? Because people with vaccine injured children were winning awards that would adequately pay for the care their injured children needed. Now, under the VICP, the compensation is totally inadequate for the raising of an injured child and the program has so many limitations that many valid claims are denied on technicalities.

The vaccines, the industry that produces them, and the government programs set up too enable them, are all utterly corrupt.

I don't like Carly Fiorina, but she happens to be making sense on this one.

fritz said...

she's making sense in terms of getting votes and not losing the pharma dollar. she will alienate neither and be the first to put new laws in place like sweden's making home schooling illegal. either way, how many of the families who cannot afford to home school get to opt out. fiorina might be getting more benefit of more doubts than she merits.

Anonymous said...

Abortion;choice. Marijuana;no choice. Vaccines;no choice. Seems like a bunch of conflicting signals to me. Any logic here must be horribly conflicted.