Jeb Bush wants to push back the retirement age for Social Security by as many as five years, The Hill reports. Said Bush: “I think it needs to be phased in over an extended period of time. We need to look over the horizon and begin to phase in, over an extended period of time, going from 65 to 68 or 70. And that, by itself, will help sustain the retirement system for anybody under the age of 40.”
Actually, we need to go to 50. There will never be enough jobs.
That's one policy position with which I share conditional agreement with Jeb Bush. Although I can't imagine voting for him. I say that as someone who turns 60 in a few months, and wouldn't balk at being personally subjected to the higher age limit. (Although most observers seem to think it's a foregone conclusion that no politician would ever subject the demographic that's just about to turn eligible for benefits to such an adjustment!)
But, as I said, I have conditions. Like, say, lowering the age of eligibility for Medicare. And/or $1 trillion in infrastructure- with an emphasis on environmental restoration, non-point source pollution remediation measures, and water conservation/irrigation modernization programs. Not just "roads and bridges" and "wider broadband coverage"- although that's certainly needed, too. (Memorial Bridge in Washington DC? Currently down to two lanes, with trucks and buses no longer permitted to cross, due to massive structural flaws that have only recently been discovered. Wherever they re-route the trucks and buses in and out of DC, the effect on traffic won't be pretty for the next 3-4 years. Presuming that there's enough money budgeted to fix it, that is...)
I'm willing to horse trade, not give it away.
Hey cabbie,
Just imagine, there wouldn't have to be any trade-offs if we put an end to our interminable military adventurism. We as a nation spend almost as much on military spending as the rest of the entire world put together and clucks like Bush dare speak of the strain imposed by Social Security? How is it that military expenditure escape ol' Jeb's calculations?
Wouldn't have anything to do with the family's investment portfolios connected to Carlyle Group and such? With the fall of the Berlin Wall and the so called collapsed of the Soviet Union it seemed all anyone could speak about were the prospects of 'peace dividends'---remember that? All the while, at the same time papa Bush and the cronies at Carlyle were buying up everything imaginable in the defense industry. Guess they new something, eh? There's a sucker born every minute and the public can be persuaded to accept anything and everything, even when it's ultimately against their own best interests.
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