June 27, 2015

Study: America will be majority minority by 2044

Governing - Several demographic shifts underway for years now have led the nation to become increasingly diverse, with the most recent Census Bureau projections suggesting the country will become majority-minority by 2044.

For many individual states, the tipping point is slated to occur much sooner. Updated data released by the Census Bureau Thursday depict population changes for various demographic groups in states and counties.

California, Hawaii, New Mexico and Texas are the only states where minorities, or those not identifying themselves as non-Hispanic whites, already make up the majority of the population. The latest estimates suggest the next states in line to surpass this threshold are Nevada (48.5 percent minority), Maryland (47.4 percent minority) and Georgia (45.7 percent minority). RELATED

How Minorities Can Help America

Since 2010, the minority share of the population has increased in every state with the exception of Hawaii, along with the District of Columbia, which has seen its white population grow faster than blacks. Nowhere is the shift more evident than Nevada, where the minority share of the population has increased faster than any other state (+2.7 percentage points) and all major minority groups have expanded.

A map shows how the minority share of the population is increasing

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