June 3, 2015

Banker deaths update

Wall Street on Parade - There is a legitimate concern that the NYPD is simply too cowed by Wall Street to bring any comprehensive investigations into these deaths. As we have previously reported, the NYPD co-staffs a high-tech surveillance center with Wall Street personnel and, at least in the past, has rented out cops in full uniform to Wall Street banks. And there is also the pervasive attitude in New York City that: as goes Wall Street, so goes New York City. The wealth that spills out from Wall Street into propping up New York City real estate prices, keeping retailers and restaurants busy, and sluicing ad revenue to Manhattan media outlets are all impediments to getting at the bottom of why these Wall Street deaths continue unabated — along with serial, criminal market rigging.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

New York= The empire State