May 26, 2015

Links: Words and writing

Words & writing news
Post literate America
Words & meaning
The missing predicate in my life
SomeRulesForWriting L.L.C. (SRFW)!
A few thoughts about writing
Words and cruelty
The rise of "fuck"
What's a humanities?
Cliche challenge
Harder to read than Ulysses
Just words on words
The politics of symbols
Pocket paradigms

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Jim Crow tolerated roadhouse blues, church hymns and street jazz. Today's aristocracy allows hip hop, dance, the music of complaint. What it does not tolerate is literature informed by Shakespeare and Milton, Dickens and Sinclair Lewis, Sumner and Lincoln. This deliterization of the voting middle class is part of the historical process described by Henry Adams whereby culture is subordinated to energy extraction, human agency is removed, and technology increasingly dominates. The patterned noises emitted by human resources like slaves or employees, are permitted as long as such biorobots have no vote. Given that "we the people" have no vote, we are saved from the wasteful expenditure of resources on the "humanities"- that is, things that concern human literacy per se. A common sense Booker T. Washington self-help approach is permitted in the book market, but a W.E.B DuBois deconstruction of dominant myths is banned from the middle class as elitist neocommunism.