Sam Smith, 2013 - As news continues to gather of NSA’s abuse of the Constitution and those it is meant to serve, I find myself thinking of castles again. As I noted some time back:
The medieval bifurcation of society into a
weak, struggling, but sane, mass and a manic depressive elite
alternately vicious and afraid, unlimited and imprisoned, foreshadows
what we find today – leaders willing, on the one hand, to occupy any
corner of the world and, on the other, terrified of young men with box
Similarly, many years ago some people
built castles, walled cities and moats to keep the terror out. It worked
for a while, but sooner or later spies and assassins figured how to
cross the moats and opponents learned how to climb the walls and send
balls of fire into protected compounds. The Florentines even catapulted
dead donkeys and feces over the town wall during their siege of Siena.
The people who built castles and walled
cities and moats are all dead now and their efforts at security seem
puny and ultimately futile – unintended monuments to the vanity of human
Yet, like the castle-dwellers behind the
moats, our elite is now spending huge sums to put themselves inside
prisons of their own making.
In 2009 I wrote:
After 9/11 the Capitol turned into an
armed camp. The Capitol Visitors Center, under construction, was
modified to serve as a bunker for members of Congress in case of an
attack and the Capitol police force soared to three officers per member
of Congress with the greatest number of police per acre of any spot in
America. In the end the visitor’s center/bunker would cost over $600
million, just slightly less than the city’s new baseball stadium.
Perhaps the most telling change was when the Capitol police, as a
security measure, moved all tourist bus traffic a few blocks away. In
essence, the police declared the lives of residents of 3rd & 4th Streets less important than those of officials working at or near the Capitol.
It was an important lesson that made me realize the War on Terror was not about protecting me, but about protecting those extremely frightened men and women who ran our government, our major corporations and other large institutions. It was not about me, but about easing the fear of some Republican congressman from Idaho who was scared shitless.
The bipartisan politics that have brought us to this place has also ruined our economy, destroyed jobs and endangered the environment. Neither castles nor mass wiretapping can avoid the consequences of such behavior. Are our leaders in Washington as afraid of us as they are of Al Qaeda? Is this why they want to know what our emails say?
Here’s Wikipedia’s description of the late years of the Middle Ages:
Troubles were followed in 1347 by the
Black Death, a disease that spread throughout Europe during the
following three years. The death toll was probably about 35 million
people in Europe, about one-third of the population. Towns were
especially hard-hit because of their crowded conditions. Large areas of
land were left sparsely inhabited, and in some places fields were left
unworked…Urban workers also felt that they had a right to greater
earnings, and popular uprisings broke out across Europe….
After the 16th century, castles declined as a mode of defense, mostly because of the invention and improvement of heavy cannons and mortars. This artillery could throw heavy cannonballs with so much force that even strong curtain walls could not hold up.And not much later things like the French and American revolutions further damaged the once comfortable role of the nobility.
Which doesn’t mean it didn’t try to recover. One could argue that the Southern Confederacy was an attempt to reinstitute the values of the Middle Ages over those created in a new American republic the previous century.
And one can argue that the First American Republic, which ended about three decades ago, has drifted so far out of our moral, political and philosophical consciousness that a cabal of maniacally greedy corporations, a new GOP confederacy, and a Democratic Party that sold its soul to campaign contributors has successfully headed us back towards a society of nobles and castles, without even the feudal responsibilities toward the less powerful that its predecessors had accepted.
And there are things that NSA wiretaps can’t tell. Like when is climate change going to start causing spontaneous rebellion? When is labor going to rediscover its true foe? And when are food and water shortages going to energize revolt as is occurring in Egypt?
For the sane and still semi-autonomous parts of America – those places Thomas Jefferson called our “little republics” – substantial potential and security remain because we still cling to values, relationships and feelings that guided our nation through its first two centuries. I live in a small town in Maine and am repeatedly stunned by how much better my daily life is compared to the larger America I read, think and write about. These are two massively different places, and I, fortunately, live in the right one. Were I playing the game of the one percent in New York, Washington or Los Angeles it would be a whole different story.
There is a huge strength in this difference of place and purpose that, in the end, could save America. Those of us in the little republics – whether geographic, ethnic, or cultural – need to recognize this power and find ways to work together so that when the one percent has to confront the reality of its failure, there will still be an alternative America worth reviving.
1 comment:
Perhaps there's a good reason why the politicos in DC are so afraid. I can suggest one; they know what they themselves have been doing. Let's assume their fear is justified. Perhaps they rightly fear retribution from those whom they have hurt and disenfranchised. In that case, their fear is actually an admission of guilt.
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