April 11, 2015

The idea mill

Mitch Bear
© Mitch Bear
Tree Hugger - Many people choose a hybrid car for their fuel efficiency and flexibility. We've even seen people make tents for them, to convert them into places to sleep in while going on long road trips. Australian landscaper James Lawler takes the cake though, with this handbuilt motorhome that he constructed on top of his Toyota Prius.

In preparation for a music festival that was happening at that time and wanting to stay in something a bit more comfortable than a tent, Lawler created this one-of-a-kind dwelling using scraps that he found in the dumpster. His design includes a corrugated tin roof, a chimney and a lofted bed which sits on top of the car's roof. In all, it cost him USD $113 and a week to complete. Lawler explains his motivation, and what it was like to sleep in there:
There’s a lot of boring camper vans out there. I thought this would be a little bit more quaint and Australiana with a rusted tin roof. It’s quite well insulated in there. It’s more comfortable than a tent.
Unfortunately, on the way home, Lawler was fined by the police for driving what they deemed a "unroadworthy" vehicle, but it hasn't deterred Lawler, who intends to dismantle this unusual caravan to build something even better. More over at The Herald Sun.

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