CNN - Americans see ISIS as a bigger threat to the United States than Iran, Russia, North Korea or China, according to a new CNN/ORC poll.
Overall, 68% say ISIS is a very serious threat, compared with just 39% who say so about Iran, 32% about North Korea, 25% on Russia and 18% on China. Nearly 9 in 10 see ISIS as at least a moderately serious threat.
Majorities across political and ideological lines say ISIS is a deeply serious threat to the U.S., including 68% of Democrats, 79% of Republicans and 63% of independents.
They should've asked me.
I would have told them that the main threat to America is the Republicratic Party.
Anonymous is a wise human being
The American Empire of Chaos and Illusion is actually ruled by a tiny group of 1%'ers...who care little about anything other than maximizing profits!
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