April 14, 2015

Christie attacks Social Security and Mediare

Time - Christie will propose raising the retirement age for Medicare to 67 and for Social Security to 69, arguing that entitlement programs must be fair for all Americans, including the next generation that is paying into the programs while questioning whether they will ever see benefits. In a controversial move, Christie would means-test Social Security, reducing or cutting payments entirely for those who continue to earn income in retirement. He will argue that he wants to return the program being a social insurance program, where only those who need the outlays will receive them.


Anonymous said...

OF course no mention of the outright stealing of Social Security money to pay current bills etc by the Government ongoing for many years. That plenty of money was paid in by the past generations using it, but it was not invested but stolen.
As the western republics get farther and farther away from the cold war era the closer and closer they get to third world chaos-the natural condition of the republic. Incomes and social protections of workers are declining in the western republics. Desperate governments are rising taxes on the dying middle classes,as the rich won't pay and the extreme poor can't, there can only be one result in time, third world chaos. Never ending civil wars, revolutions, harsh despotic nazi/communist like governments(single political party ran republics).... chaos.

Greg Gerritt said...

Part of the problem is that everyone expects economic growth, but we have essentially run out of growth in most of the US. What they are calling growth in places like North Dakota is planetary destruction. What they calll growth in NYC is looting by the Wall St elite. Most of us are already getting poorer, and government revenues, most squandered feeding the war machine to keep the oil barons in power, are also not able to keep up so infrastructure at home decays. And we have racist police to enforce at home on the poor. And political parties committed to not governing.