April 28, 2015

37% - Unemployment rate for youung black Baltimore males

538 - The unemployment rate for black men in Baltimore between the ages of 20 and 24 was 37 percent in 2013, the latest data available; for white men of the same age range, the rate was 10 percent. Nor do the prospects for black men improve much as they grow older: Just 59 percent of black men between the ages of 25 and 54 are working, compared with 79 percent of white men. Just 1 in 10 black men in Baltimore has a college degree, compared with half of whites (for ages 25 and up). And the median income for black households, at about $33,000, is little more than half that of whites. Moreover, none of those figures takes into account the high incarceration rate for African-Americans, which makes the disparities even starker.


Coal Warrior said...

The economic system can not deliver the basic necessities for a decent life. It must replaced by socializing capital for human needs.

Laird Wilcox said...

Perhaps part of this issue is how many immigrants, legal or illegal, are working at jobs that could have gone to these Black American males. Wouldn't it be wiser to get the Black unemployment rate down to even 10% before allowing immigrants into the U.S. to suck up jobs at lower wages? Liberals and leftists are so enamoured with immigrants and their rights that they forget the huge cost to Black Americans needing work. Rather than import nurses from the Philippines, for example, why not train Black Americans for these positions? It would be an enormously wise investment in their future and ours.