March 24, 2015

Furthermore. . .

The Indiana House of Representatives passed a religious "freedom" bill Monday 63-31 that will allow private businesses, individuals and organizations to discriminate anywhere at any time against any person they so choose based on religious grounds. A similar bill already cleared the state Senate. Once the two bills are reconciled, it will head to the desk of Gov. Mike Pence, who can't wait to sign it into law.

Two parents visit 18 DC schools looking for the right one. Here is what they found

This country has come to feel the same when Congress is in session as when the baby gets hold of a hammer. - Will Rogers via Scott W. Langill

Harpers - Percentage by which a white patient with back pain is more likely than a black patient to be given a prescription for opioids : 20 ...Portion of children born in the United States each year whose mothers receive Medicaid benefits : 1/2

Among women ages 40 to 50, the median age at which those with a master’s degree or more first became mothers now stands at 30, according to a new Pew Research Center analysis of census data. In comparison, the median age at first birth for women with a high school diploma or less is just 24.

Rahm Emanuel has opened a 16% point lead in his bid for reelection as Chicago's mayor, according to a new poll.

Dick Morris - The Clintons never used the White House computer for their own work. Hillary even wrote (or copied) her book manuscripts in long hand. Although ghost writer Barbara Fineman was paid $120,000 for writing It Takes A Village, she proudly waved hundreds of hand-written pages on yellow legal pads to pretend she wrote it all herself. She never acknowledged Fineman’s work. Bill can’t type either. When I wrote his 1995 State of the Union Speech, I typed it on an IBM Selectric that the White House dug up from the basement. He told me that he didn’t want me to put it in the official computer system, because then his staff would see it. So, he carefully copied every word in his distinctive left hand penmanship. I still have a copy of it. Then he pretended that he had written it himself.

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