Emily Talmage has seven years of teaching experience in New York
City and Maine, as well as a masters degree in urban education from
Mercy College and a masters degree in developmental psychology from
Teachers College, Columbia University.
Emily Talmage, Washington Post - As
a teacher of 20 vibrant, curious, and, yes, often challenging fourth
graders at Montello Elementary School in Lewiston, Maine, I constantly
search for ways to improve my students’ learning experiences and to
understand what will best help them succeed. So, like many teachers
around the state, as I began hearing about the new Smarter Balanced
Tests (or MEA) that we are required to give our students this spring, I
wanted to know how it would help me with the daily task of getting
twenty learners to grow their hearts and minds in meaningful ways.
Here is a brief summary of what I have discovered.
no matter what my students and I do, statistics have already shown that
my students will more than likely fall below proficient on this test.
In the field test given a year ago, 91 percent of English Language
Learners and nearly 80 percent of low-income students did not meet
proficient. My class is comprised of 40 percent English language
learners and nearly 100 percent are low-income. Because new state
legislation (required by the federal government if we are to keep
valuable sources of funding) has already passed that will link my
students results to my professional evaluation, this does not bode well
for me or for my colleagues....
Second, “assessment experts”
(which seem to be primarily business consultants) within major,
for-profit corporations like McGraw-Hill, AIR, and ETS were at the
forefront of developing these tests. Throughout the process, some
teachers were asked for “input” (I was not one of them and I don’t know
any teachers who were), but I have found it impossible to discern in
what way this input was actually applied. Instead, a number of math and
literacy experts have said publicly that many test items are far above
grade level and are developmentally inappropriate.....
Finally, I
will not be able to see the test as my students take it. I will not be
allowed to look at their scrap paper. I will not even be able to talk
with my colleagues about the test – before, during, or after. These are
all provisions outlined in a lengthy security agreement that all
teachers were required to sign prior to administering the test.
how will a test that by its design is likely show that my school, my
students and I are all failing, that was developed by “assessment
experts” rather than teachers, that will no doubt funnel a tremendous
amount of taxpayer money to wealthy corporate shareholders and away from
our classrooms, and that I won’t be able to see or discuss with my
colleagues (let alone my students) help me in my mission to improve the
quality of education I offer my students each day?
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