February 12, 2015

Known failure; Drug testing the poor

Mic - On July 1, 2014, Tennessee implemented a dehumanizing new drug testing program for needy people applying to the state's Families First cash assistance program..

Now, WBIR reports that in the first six months of the program's operation, the state Department of Human Services managed to flag just 37 drug users out of 16,017 applicants.
That's a rate of 0.23%.

Even generously counting an additional 81 applicants who ditched the benefits application process between taking Tennessee's drug-screening questionnaire and turning in their paperwork, a maximum of 0.73% of applicants were prevented from claiming benefits.

Tennessee's embarrassing failure to find nearly any drug users on welfare shouldn't come as a surprise. Similar programs have failed in Utah and Florida, while studies have consistently shown that people receiving cash assistance from the government use drugs at commensurate or lower rates than the general population.


Anonymous said...

How does that compare to the testing of potential Employees ? (I've been tested multiple times...)

BeamMeUp said...

Another $$ boon for the drug testing enterprises at the expense of the poor.

Anonymous said...

bwa ha ha ha haaaaa by that metric, welfare peeps should be running the fucking country, because that has GOT TO BE the lowest % of users in ANY COHORT, including the fucking CEO's of the drug testing companies...
much hypocrisy, such lunacy...

again, IF 'drug usage' (WHAT drugs, HOW much, WHEN are never asked) is some indicator of incompetence or 'danger', then why is it THE 'most important' (*cough*bullshit*cough*) people in society -kongresskritters, judges, CEO's, etc- are NOT subject to drug testing, but ONLY the peons who have the LEAST influence on society ? ? ?

why ? well you know fucking why, because it has NOTHING to do with public health, public safety, and it is ALL ABOUT control and discrimination...

otherwise, that CEO would be in the next stall peeing in a cup alongside the janitor; otherwise, they would be testing for ALCOHOL which is one million times the problem of ANY/ALL illegal drugs combined...

its not turtles all the way down, its bullshit all the way down...